5-8-24 - *FULL SHOW* Sen Ron Johnson on WHO Treaty; Much Ado About TikTok

5-8-24 *INTERVIEW* Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation on TikTok Election Integrity

5-8-24 *INTERVIEW* Jeff Crank Republican Candidate for the 5th Congressional District

5-8-24 *INTERVIEW* Senator Ron Johnson on Proposed WHO Treaty Regarding Global Pandemics

5-7-24 - *FULL SHOW* Israel Goes Into Rafah; Property Tax Deal; AI In Education

5-7-24 *INTERVIEW* State Senator Barb Kirkmeyer on Property Tax Reform

5-7-24 *INTERVIEW* Civil Rights Attorney Igor Raykin on Universities Liable for Investigations

5-7-24 *INTERVIEW* Tyler Lyson of Denver Museum of Nature and Science on New Colo Fossil Find

5-7-24 *INTERVIEW* University of Northern Colorado Professor Matt Farber on AI in Education

5-6-24 - *FULL SHOW* So much braindamage; drinking coffee as God intended