3/15/24 Blog: A CD-4 Candidate, Helping Kids Shoot, And The Razzies!

HOW ABOUT A FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY? You pick what we talk about by texting questions or topic to 56690 and we'll be off to the races.

THE 4TH CONGRESSIONAL RACE IS FULL OF CANDIDATES And I've got one today in Floyd Trujillo, an Marine Corps veteran, a longtime member of the oil and gas industry and tireless fighter for conservative causes. Find out more about Floyd and give him support if you'd like by clicking here. He joins me at 12:30 for a chat.

TEACHING STUDENTS TO SAFELY SHOOT AND COMPETE IS STILL A THING I got an email from a man named Gary Cholas and he is the coach for the Brighton High School Trap Team. Trap shooting is with shotguns and clay pigeons that are tossed into the air in a series of patterns and it's a coed sport where even the least athletic kid has a chance. Gary joins me today at 1 to talk about the sport and what it does for these kids. This is a good article from last year about the team.

DEBORAH FLORA IS IN THE SPECIAL ELECTION For the 4th Congressional seat and she pops in at 2 to discuss it. Find her website and give her support if you'd like by clicking here.

LET'S TALK THE BEST AND WORST OF FILMS WITH CHRISTIAN TOTO Host of the wildly popular Hollywood in Toto podcast, which you can find here, Christian Toto is back. This time we're talking Oscars and the Razzies, which are the awards given to the worst of the worst. Find the entire list of Razzie "winners" here. Check out Christian's great website here.

BECAUSE WE ALL LOVE SNOW TOTALS I've got some for you here and here and here though some of these places are still getting snow today.

AN EMAIL ABOUT GUNS Listener Joe often sends great emails about all kinds of stuff, but I want to share this one in it's entirety. It's about how criminals get their guns.

A few days ago, you learned how the Kansas City parade shooters illegally obtained the guns they used to shoot nearly a dozen people at the parade celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl win.  
 Lest you thing that was an isolated and rare event, today we learn how the convicted felon in Minnesota acquired the guns he used to murder three first responders in that state last month. Quote from linked story:
"A woman’s “illegal buying spree” armed a man with the high-powered firearms that he used to kill three Minnesota first responders during a standoff at a home where seven children were inside, federal authorities said Thursday.
The guns bought by Ashley Anne Dyrdahl included three AR-style semiautomatic rifles, including one with a device that doubles the rate of gunfire, and two semiautomatic pistols, court documents said. In addition, investigators found “a stockpile of fully loaded magazines as well as boxes with hundreds of additional rounds of ammunition” in the bedroom Dyrdahl and gunman Shannon Gooden shared, the indictment said.  Ashley Anne Dyrdahl, 35, of Burnsville, conspired with Gooden to illegally supply him with guns even though she knew that he was a convicted felon who could not legally possess them, U.S. Attorney Andrew M. Luger said at a news conference."
In researching how common and easy it was for criminals and juveniles to illegally obtain guns, I am once again reminded of this quote from an expert on this topic:
" I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, untraceable and unregistered sources, with or without gun control" Senator Joe Biden, 1985

At least we know Joe Biden was right about something once. Once.

THE ST PATTY'S DAY PARADE WILL GO ON! Denver officials are trying to move as much snow as possible to make room for the parade tomorrow morning, read more here.

ARI ARMSTRONG LAYS OUT THE ATTACKS ON GUN OWNERS And he sees the new CBI bill a bit differently than I do, but he's 100% right about the other stupid laws being proposed. Read it here, but if you're thinking of buying a firearm or getting your concealed carry permit I would do it TODAY with DCFGuns before everything is illegal. Just saying.

DID YOU ELECT REPRESENTATIVES OR NANNIES? The Legislature is coming up with all kinds of ways to force us to do the things they want us to do, like eschew efficient and effective gas furnaces for heat pumps that have issues in cold weather and high altitude. From banning sodas for kids in restaurants to preventing new gas lines from being run, they are running roughshod over your freedom to choose CHEAPER and effective alternatives. Read it here.

AND NOW, BABY GOT BACK AS THE SOUND OF SILENCE The Wine Yogi sent me this and I'm not going to be the only one to see this today.

FANI WILLIS HAS TO DUMP HER BOYFRIEND TO STAY ON TRUMP'S CASE Or at least dump him as the Special Prosecutor role she assigned him to and paid him handsomely for even though he had zero prosecutorial experience prior to this most high profile case. The judge ruled the appearance of impropriety was enough to demand a change. Though he allowed Willis to stay on the case if her boyfriend leaves, he didn't exactly give her a pass. Saying:

is by no means an indication that the Court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment or the unprofessional manner of the District Attorney’s testimony during the evidentiary hearing. Rather, it is the undersigned’s opinion that Georgia law does not permit the finding of an actual conflict for simply making bad choices — even repeatedly — and it is the trial court’s duty to confine itself to the relevant issues and applicable law properly brought before it.
The judge went on to write that an "an odor of mendacity remains" and that "reasonable questions about whether the District Attorney and her hand-selected lead SADA testified untruthfully about the timing of their relationship further underpin the finding of an appearance of impropriety and the need to make proportional efforts to cure it." 

Read the whole story here but I think this is a victory for Trump in the long run. One MSNBC analyst says Willis must recuse herself as she's obviously lost the confidence of the judge. No way she steps down, her ego is too intertwined with this case.

THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY IS GETTING A SHOCK As the National Association of Realtors has agreed to shelve rules that determine the standard 6% commission for real estate transactions. They did so to settle a series of lawsuits alleging price fixing in the marketplace. This will create a jolt in the real estate industry for sure, as competition to lower those rates will hit hard. Just remember, with real estate as with other things, you get what you pay for and cheaper isn't always better if your home sits on the market for months with no buyer.

YOU CAN'T USE UBER OR LYFT IN MINNEAPOLIS ANYMORE As the City Council passes a rule requiring drivers be paid the minimum wage of $15.57 an hour. Uber and Lyft say that makes their rides unaffordable so they are ceasing to operate in that market when the new bill takes effect May 1st. Read more here.

YOU CAN'T USE PORNHUB IN TEXAS ANYMORE Because they had the audacity to ask for age verification for users. It has to do with the way age verification is done in Texas and the fact the porn sites don't want to store identification information. Louisiana has a third party verification system that Pornhub uses, and it seems to me that an enterprising company in Texas could pretty much do that same thing and boom, problem solved. It's not like there aren't other sites for porn I'm guessing.

GOVERNOR KRISTI NOEM SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THE FTC RULES ON ADVERTISING Or at least should have had one of her staff look them up before posting what was clearly a commercial for Texas Smile on her social media accounts. She is now being sued for not following those rules and I'm not the least bit surprised. How do you feel about a politician doing commercials for something? People are freaking out but I have no issue with it if they follow the same rules I have to follow.

A TODDLER GOLDEN GIRL Is what you need today. You're welcome.

HAMAS BLINKS In negotiations over a ceasefire in Gaza. They are now offering to release elderly, sick and female hostages in exchange for about 1000 Palestinians in prison and withdrawal from Gaza. Some of those prisoners are in prison for terrorist acts though, so we'll see what Israel comes back with. I think this is a good indication that Hamas is back on its heels but I have no doubt any ceasefire will be violated by Hamas, not Israel. I also doubt that this is a done deal by any stretch of the imagination and more an effort to "appear" to want to end hostilities by Hamas rather than an actual desire to end hostilities. Netanyahu has already declared Hamas' demands "absurd" and he's not wrong.

I AGREE WITH... BERNIE SANDERS???? Well not totally because I would love to see companies switch to a four day workweek voluntarily instead of having the heavy hand of government force them to do so. Bernie has put forth a four day workweek bill that would reduce the 40 hour work week to 32 hours over a series of years. He would enforce this by changing the rules around overtime. I do not favor a heavy handed government solution even though I love the concept of the four day workweek, but I also recognize that we live in a seven day a week society now and we can't find workers already so what is a business to do? Would you be okay with stuff being closed on Sundays again if you could have another day off a week for the same pay? And is this sustainable?

A BETTER WAY TO EAT A BAGEL I'm trying this and I never eat bagels.



I FEEL SEEN BY THIS VIDEO About how delusional I was in my 20s.

A KILL SWITCH FOR STRESS From the neuroscientist Andrew Huberman.

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