07/14/23 Blog: How To Talk to Your Enemies, Plus Christian Toto on Movies

SAY HOWDY TO NICK FERGUSON! He's joining me today at co-host as I continue to recover from vocal cord surgery.

HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ENEMIES That is literally the name of a new book by Certified Mediator & Conflict Resolution Expert Alicia Dunams. She is going to share specific words and phrases to help address ongoing resentment between family, friends, and coworkers. Buy her book here!
Contribute to her GoFundMe to buy the book for Congress by clicking here!

CHRISTIAN TOTO IS ON TO TALK SUMMER MOVIES AT 2 And we've got a lot to talk about cinematically and we'll also chat about what the actors and writers are striking over as well. The striking actors have quite a case when it comes to the garbage offers coming from the studios when it comes to the use of AI. Here is Christian's review of Sound of Freedom, which I saw last night and highly recommend. Find Christian's great podcast here!

I SAW SOUND OF FREEDOM LAST NIGHT This is the new movie about the true story of a Department of Homeland Security agent who literally quit his job to go to Colombia and free children who had been sold into sex trafficking. It's been panned by many in the main stream press and I honestly don't think they even watched it because it's really, really good. It's so uncomfortable to watch a movie on this subject, but it's so important to shine a light on this horrific crime which seems to be growing. The film takes place in Central America because it was bankrolled by a Mexican guy, but don't kid yourself, this stuff happens here ALL THE TIME. I urge you to go to the theater this week to see it, as I'm not sure how much longer it will be in theaters. So, so powerful.

CRIME IN COLORADO COSTS US BIG And the Common Sense Institute has done a report on just how much it costs us. It's long and kind of wonky because they are assigning monetary values to crimes like murder and rape, but some of the big takeaways are that Denver and Adams county are home to 20% of the population but 40% of the crime! We should ban Denver and Adams county if we really want to get rid of crime! Read it here.

WATCH VALDAMAR'S INTERVIEW WITH JON CALDARA Valdamar is the member of the Log Cabin Republicans that you've heard on my show and this is a fantastic interview with Jon you should watch.

A MOVE TO CAP PROPERTY TAXES IS ON THE WAY But don't expect it to be on this year's ballot, as Advance Colorado Action is working towards putting the 4% cap on the 2024 ballot in instead. It's a good plan that would require voter approval before an increase could go above 4% and I'm thinking it would pass this year so I'm not sure why they are waiting, other than to just use this threat to put the Legislature on notice to take action. I'll get Michael Fields on the show to discuss.

COSTCO IS CRACKING DOWN ON CARD SHARING And I'm cool with this, as you know I am a Costco devotee who pays for a membership every year. This article explains why Costco is now looking at photos too, even when you go to the self checkout. I wondered why so many people were in the self checkout lane the other day when there were no lines at the regular checkout and now I know why.

JEFFCO REPUBLICANS ARE DOING THINGS RIGHT As Jefferson County has embraced progressive policies at the School Board and beyond, the county has been going downhill. Now the JeffCo GOP is taking action by creating a small donor committee specifically designed to help Republicans run for the offices that are open across the county. Good for the JeffCo GOP and hopefully, good for JeffCo.

ARAPAHOE COUNTY JOINS THE ADU CLUB ADUs are Alternate Dwelling Units and are usually a small home behind another home. Maybe a renovated detached garage or a tiny home and they are often called "granny flats" because they are sometimes used for aging family members. They are a great way to make extra income as well, and more and more places in Denver are now allowing them. Arapahoe County just voted to say yes as well.

THE MOST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE CRUISE SHIP CABINS I LOVE cruising and I'm not embarrassed about it. We just booked a cruise for my mom's 80th birthday as a matter of fact. But if you've never been and want to see the extremes of cabin choices this is it. Many people don't mind an inside cabin because they are so cheap, but I have to have a balcony and use it the entire cruise. I've never been able to pony up for the big time cabins though, they just seem unnecessary to me.

RAY EPPS IS SUING FOX NEWS AND TUCKER CARLSON And I am hoping they take this one all the way to court, but I doubt they will. Mr. Epps was instrumental in getting people to storm the Capitol on January 6th and can clearly be seen on video multiple times and days but has somehow not been arrested or harangued by the government. It's odd. I'd love to see him on the stand answering those questions. I'm sure Fox will settle as they want all this to go away. Read about it here.

DRIVING BACK FROM VACATION? BE CAREFUL! Experts are warning that even though we love vacations, they can be exhausting and drowsy driving is a huge issue. Read more here.

YES, HEADLINES ARE GETTING MORE BIASED This according to a new study of the news media. How did they study this?

This project utilized a technique known as multiple correspondence analysis to gauge and measure the fine-grained thematic discrepancies between news headlines. The study grouped news stories into four categories: domestic politics, economic issues, social issues, and foreign affairs. From there, study authors analyzed how left, right, and central media outlets differed in the language they used across their headlines.
“We observed a lot of subtle differences in the words they choose when they cover the same high-level topics,” says Hanjia Lyu, a computer science PhD student who was the lead author of the study, in a university release. “For example, when covering abortion issues, Reason tends to use the term ‘abortion law,’ while CNN underscores its ideological position by using the term ‘abortion rights.’ On a higher level they are both talking about abortion issues, but you can feel the subtle difference in the words that they choose.”

This is not news to me.

TELLTALE SIGNS SOMEONE GREW UP POOR And I know a lot of people who do these things and it never occurred to me they stemmed from a poverty background.


AH THE LOVE OF SISTERS My sister would not post this and I would not post it of her but I'm glad these sisters are different. Watch below or click here.

THE APPROPRIATE DOGGLES ARE IMPORTANT But can they see though? Watch below or click here.

A BAND CHASES JOGGERS IN HYDE PARK And this is awesome. Watch below or click here.

BEST YARD EVER! WAtch below or Click here.

ROBERT DOWNEY, JR GOES BOLD ABOUT OPPENHEIMER And says it's the best film he's ever been in. Watch below or click here.

PAY ATTENTION TO THESE EARLY SIGNS OF DEMENTIA Because the earlier you notice it, the more steps you can take like adding a resistance training routine to your life, which has been shown to slow dementia. You can find out what to look for here.

HANDS OFF THE CAIRNS ON TRAILS, PLEASE As more city slickers are taking to the hiking trails the National Parks Service is letting them know that cairns, those stacked rock formations that you may see on the trails, should not be moved. They are trail markers that help other hikers know where to go. And while you're at it, take all of your trash with you, stop defacing rocks, and keep your music to yourself.

A HARVARD BIOLOGIST SAYS HE'S FOUND THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH But don't get excited just yet, as trials in humans are just gearing up in earnest and a lot of other doctors are expressing skepticism. IF he's right, and that is a big if, we may soon have a cocktail of pills that can reverse the aging process. Sign me up for that!

THESE BROS ARE HELLA WORRIED ABOUT AI BUT HAVE A SOLUTION And these two are a comedy team so no, this isn't real. Watch below or click here.

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