07/10/23 Blog: A Twitter Feed That Shows How Far We've Not Come

KRISTA KAFER WILL BE SIDEKICKING WITH ME TODAY As I continue to recover from my vocal cord surgery I will have a co-host every day this week and today it's Krista!

WHY CAN'T WE TALK TO OUR NEIGHBORS? So last night I saw this tweet thread:

If you don't want to read it, the gist is that a black woman who lives in a predominantly white neighborhood is extremely upset that her white neighbor hung up a Back the Blue flag in their yard. She maintains that it's proof that the neighbors are racist and they only hung the sign up after three black families moved into the neighborhood. So of course she took to Twitter to complain about it, rather than going over to her neighbors house and having a conversation that could have started with "hey, I noticed you hung that flag and I was curious about why because it really has a negative connotation for black people" or some other such thing. This is why our country is falling apart. Maybe the neighbor did mean something malicious, but being asked politely about it can be a great way to break down those barriers. Maybe the neighbor has a family member who is on the force? Maybe their lives were saved by a police officer and they are grateful? She doesn't know because she'd rather bitch on Twitter about it.

A HEARTBREAKING STORY OF A YOUNG TEENAGER WITH AUTISM There is a 13 year old boy living in a Longmont Emergency Room right now. How did this happen? His dad abandoned him there. I don't know this kid's circumstances but I know parents with children with severe forms of autism and some of them just can't hack it. I'm not making excuses for this father, what he did is horrible, but I'm glad he chose to take the kid somewhere safe rather than abuse him to death as has been done before. But the kid is STILL in the ER. The state is making all kinds of excuses about a lack of resources and nowhere to put him but THEY HAVE LEFT HIM LIVING IN A HOSPITAL FOR WEEKS. How is this even possible? If there were ever a child that needed to be bumped to the front of some line, this kid is it. If you know anyone or anywhere that can help please reach out to the hospital.

PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES When you see the photos of a woman who now says she can't get a job cleaning toilets because of her life choices, I want you to show it to every kid you know. A woman in Wales says she's got 800 tattoos and as they cover her face, she can't get a job because no one will hire her. My question is, where do you get the money for 800 tattoos when you don't have a job? Oh, and she's a mother of two. Check her and her horrible life choices out here.

IF YOU'VE GOT A LOVED ONE IN ASSISTED LIVING IN COLORADO You want to read this story. It's about instances of neglect where people have died and nothing has really happened to them because of Colorado's lax standards. There are LOTS of great facilities but if you're checking them out as a possible place for your mom or dad, be sure to ask lots of questions about security, especially in memory care units, and human welfare checks are NOT enough. If they don't have alarms on all external doors you need to look elsewhere.

HAVE WE SEEN PEAK POT SALES? Pot sales have dropped pretty dramatically since 2022 when people were still working from home and apparently getting high doing it. Good news though, pot crime is very low, although I'm not sure they are counting how many teenagers are vaping these days, which certainly is a pot crime.

LET THE NEW MAYOR KNOW WHAT CONCERNS YOU The transition team for Mayor-Elect Mike Johnston is setting up public forums to allow Denverites to share their concerns with the new Administration. The first one about labor has already happened and you may not have heard about it if you aren't in a union. This Mayor is already showing his allegiance to the unions by announcing he will have a new position of "labor liaison" in his office. The Denver Gazette says you can find the full schedule of forums and plan to attend one here but I don't see it, just a way to give your email address and join the transition team. I'll see if I can find out more today.

BILLIONAIRES FIGHTING IS EMBARRASSING And this one is the fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. When Zuck announced the launch of Threads, a direct competitor that is completely based on Twitter, Elon started calling him names online. They will likely do some time battling it out in court, as Musk is threatening to sue Zuck. This one is going to be a huge boon for the lawyers.

WHY BIDEN'S GRANDDAUGHTER IS NEWS As a rule I do not talk about the children or grandchildren of politicians (adult children are a different matter) and I will not do that here. What I will talk about is the cruelty on display every time Joe and Jill Biden gush about the importance of family while refusing to acknowledge a child created by their scumbag son Hunter. As much as those on the left want to tell us that this is a "family matter" that is none of our business, when Grandpa Joe runs around telling everyone family is the most important thing ever, it's disgusting that he refuses to acknowledge little Navy, who is now four years old. Even Maureen Dowd has weighed in now. Read this:

My sister and I often disagree about politics, but this is not a political issue to us. It’s a human one. Joe Biden’s mantra has always been that “the absolute most important thing is your family.” It is the heart of his political narrative. Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade. Callously scarring Navy’s life, just as it gets started, undercuts that. As Katie Rogers, a Times White House correspondent, wrote in a haunting front-page piece last weekend about Hunter’s unwanted child, Biden is so sensitive “that only the president’s most senior advisers talk to him about his son.” Rogers said that “in strategy meetings in recent years, aides have been told that the Bidens have six, not seven, grandchildren.” Jill Biden dedicated her 2020 children’s book to the six grandchildren.
What the Navy story reveals is how dated and inauthentic the 80-year-old president’s view of family is.
Once you could get away with using terms like “out of wedlock” and pretend that children born outside marriage didn’t exist or were somehow shameful. But now we have become vastly more accepting of nontraditional families. We live in an Ancestry.com world, where people are searching out their birth parents and trying to find relatives they didn’t know they had.

She absolutely right about this. The Bidens are showing who they really are by shunning Navy, and yes, they are shunning her. When people show you who they are, pay attention. And to those on the left who are making excuses for this, would you do the same to your grandchild? I sure wouldn't.

YES, OUR PETS ARE PART OF OUR FAMILIES And a new Pew Poll confirms just how much we love our pets. A majority of us say they are as much a part of the family as humans and the demographic breakdowns in this are interesting to me. Why the big schism between married and living together? We can break it down today.

WHEN UNPOPULAR SCIENCE IS CENSORED We've seen this for years with climate science, where any researcher who dares to veer from the approved climate change dogma is shouted down and called a heretic. Now it's happening in gender dysphoria study, with a recent paper on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria being retracted after activists complained to the scientific journal that initially published it. The good new is the author, who wrote about the controversy here, says this has just girded his loins to continue studying this phenomenon until he gets to the bottom of it. Remember this when someone says "follow the science" because what they really mean is "follow the science I agree with".


20s VS 40s ON VACATION And I felt this in my bones.

DIET COKE ISN'T THE HARMLESS BEVERAGE YOU MIGHT THINK As new studies about aspartame, the artificial sweetener that makes it somewhat sweet, does bad things to your gut, and all health starts in the gut. Read about the ongoing studies and what they've found so far here.

HOW TO USE CHAT GPT TO PLAN A TRAVEL ITINERARY This is really cool, but I'm not sure I'm going to trust my very expensive vacation to AI just yet. Travel writers used Chat GPT to plan itineraries for five cities, and other than AI not giving enough time to do it all, they seemed to work just fine.

HOW DO YOU LEAVE A TABLE AT A RESTAURANT? This article talks about a video posted by a woman who worked as a waitress and in it, she alleges that boomers leave a mess while Gen Z tidies up before they leave. My own experiences have been the complete opposite so I'm curious, how do you leave a table when you get up?


WHEN YOU TRY TO ROB A STORE AND NO ONE CARES This is freaking hilarious.

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