06/01/23 Blog: How the Media Suppressed Negative Covid Vaccine Info

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ONE OF MY BIGGEST REGRETS IS TELLING PEOPLE TO GET THE VACCINE I don't regret getting it myself...yet...because me and my family seem to have escaped unscathed. But I relied on the data put forth by Pfizer to make my decision and now I know that they and the FDA hid a LOT of information from the public about adverse effects. There were people who should have gotten the vaccine. The elderly and obese people with comorbidities should have gotten it. Period. A Freedom of Information Act request in Israel showed that ZERO healthy people under 50 died from Covid. ZERO. But I don't beat myself up as much as I could because there was a complete media blackout of any reporting about the negative side effects of Covid. This Substack column outlines the email communications between a writer who was TRYING to share the information only to have his Op-Eds and articles blocked at every turn. Editors were not interested, though one of them had a change of heart after a very scary cardiac event after his second vaccine. Why do I keep bringing this up? Because we were lied to and not given all the information to make an informed decision. People were ostracized and BLAMED for the spread of the pandemic by THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. I want to let them know that at least I am very sorry for any role I played in that. By the way, a federal judge has demanded the FDA release records requested by a group of physicians well ahead of the 75 year timeline the FDA demanded. We should have more on the truth in the next eight months.

THE XCEL MONOPOLY RACKET EXPLAINED This is some good work from the Colorado Sun on just how Xcel makes so much money on the backs of ratepayers. Finally legislators are starting to pay attention to the tension between ratepayers and stockholders, but without going to a full public utility, which I'm not in favor of for a variety of reasons, I'm not sure there are good answers except to tell the PUC to grow some and start saying no.

DENVER'S SCHOOL BOARD SAYS NO TO SROs At least they seem to be moving in that direction and Tay Tay is right in the front of this clown parade. After TWO shootings at East High School TayTay is worried that police might be in schools because he's decided that cops are all "corrupt MFers" so he wants a "community resource officer" who will be spread across multiple campuses instead of having ONE officer in ONE school. This defeats one very important purpose of SROs which is to create and maintain positive relationships with students who may not have a positive view of police. This is dumb plan and I hope parents in Denver Public Schools bounce this idiot off the Board once and for all this fall.

HARD ROCK DENVER IS SHUTTING ITS DOORS Another large vacant space in the 16th Street Mall should serve as further warning that downtown Denver is very close to a death spiral that it will be very hard to get out of. The company says their lease is up and they are shutting down but they are searching for a new location in Denver soon. Hmmmm, I wonder why they are moving?

GIVE NBC NEWS A PULITZER FOR REPORTING ON A PARODY ACCOUNT There is a parody account on Twitter that mocks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and does so BRILLIANTLY. At the top, it CLEARLY says "Parody"

Thankfully, NBC News assigned TWO reporters to get to the bottom of this, as it is upsetting to their queen AOC. She took to her own Twitter account to warn people about the fake account

She seems to be unclear about the fact that the First Amendment was literally created to allow such speech so there is nothing "her team" can do to stop it. Why is she so concerned? Because apparently people can't tell the fake account from the real even though the fake account tweets out stuff like this.

Though I do realize that when the fake account tweets something like this it IS hard to tell if it's parody.

Her problem is her policies are so stupid it's hard to tell she isn't a parody herself. Give the fake account a follow if you're on Twitter, just to annoy AOC, k?

HUNTER BIDEN IS THE NEW NRA SPOKESPERSON And this is why having great attorneys is very important if you're a scumbag. Hunter Biden lied on a federal firearms application when he bought a gun at a time when he was heavily using crack cocaine. Federal law prohibits illegal drug users from buying a weapon. His attorneys say if he's charged, they will argue such a prohibition is clearly unconstitutional under the 2nd Amendment. Pop some popcorn kids, this is gonna get good.

NEWS OUTLETS COVER THE BOYCOTT, BUT NOT THE BOMB THREATS We all know that Target has found itself at the center of a boycott because of its PRIDE themed, tuck friendly and gender neutral attire, some of which is directed at children. The news networks love to talk about conservative boycotts, but when a LGBT activist called in actual bomb threats they oddly lost interest. See the above story about vaccine friendly newspapers to understand how this sort of media bias works. Bomb threats are stupid. I hope that idiot goes to jail for a long time.

NOT ALL AI IS READY FOR PRIME TIME As the National Eating Disorder Association found out when they replaced real live people with a Chatbot called Tessa. The helpline is designed to help people suffering with eating disorders, but it seems Tessa gave out advice that told callers HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT. The bot has been fired. She probably just thought they were confused about their gender, which we know always needs to be affirmed. (sarcasm)

SEX ED FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS INCLUDES INFO ABOUT PUBERTY BLOCKERS And shaving your pubic hair into fun shapes! The lessons, provided by the ghouls at Planned Parenthood, said in the section labeled "Supplies that could be helpful during puberty" they included things like sanitary napkins, tampons, and PUBERTY BLOCKERS. Kids were told they could choose their genders, and included drawings of the genitalia of intersex people, which make up about .05% of the world population. They are coming for your kids and you better be paying attention. Before sex ed classes at school (which I believe can be very helpful when done right) ask to review the curriculum they are using yourself. BEFORE the day of the class.


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