Mandy's Wed Blog: Baseball and Brainwashing and Who Runs DHS?

BASEBALL AT 1 TODAY AGAIN So it's another quick show!

GRANT'S LATEST PODCAST IS LIVE! And he talks to Kimilu, life coach and Reiki master practitioner about celebrating life! Click here to listen!


Individuals are fleeing prosecution, fleeing violence and fleeing two hurricanes that hit in early fall of LAST YEAR. But JUST NOW they are flooding over the border and Jen Psaki says they have no clue how many kids are currently sitting in cages under Joe Biden's leadership. Jen Psaki may be the weakest White House spokesperson since Sean Spicer. And that's saying something.

KIDS ARE BEING INDOCTRINATED AT ELITE SCHOOLS AND PARENTS ARE FREAKING OUT Let's just say after reading this long article for City Journal by journalist Beri Weiss, I don't have a lot of compassion for these brave cowards who are willing to go on the record, just not with their names. The article details how parents, who made fortunes in a capitalist system that allows them to pay $50,000 bucks for high school, are freaking out about the critical race theory, anti-capitalist curriculums that are being shoved down their kids throats. So why do they continue to pay tuition? Because they want their kids to have the chance to attend an Ivy League university, where more CRT crap will be shoved down their throats. When you read it, it is hard to see how what they are doing to their own children is any different than what China is doing in re-education camps. And yet, THEY DO IT VOLUNTARILY. What the actual hell is wrong with these people??? I hope they see how stupid they look after reading this article. I've got words on this.

DEMOCRATIC CHANGES TO POLICING HAVE RESULTED IN HIGHER CRIME RATES And I sure hope the Republican party of Colorado is paying attention to stories like these. The Grand Junction Police Chief is testifying against FURTHER changes being debated right now that would release even MORE criminals back onto the streets. Read more here.

A COUPLE OF SOCIAL SECURITY SCAMS ARE ACTIVE IN COLORADO RIGHT NOW And I got a call yesterday where a recorded voice that sounded Asian started by saying "Dear Citizen, your social security card has been compromised so it has been frozen. Dear Citizen, in order to unfreeze blah, blah, blah". Now we've got someone calling people and telling them their social security number was used in a crime and there is a warrant for their arrest. No, there is not. Please talk to the older folks in your life about this.

WE'VE LOST 25% OF OUR EATERIES IN THE LAST YEAR This is what I was talking about yesterday. According to the Denverite, we are down about 25% in active restaurant or food licenses. They did a good job of explaining why this may be an undercount of how many businesses were killed by covid. The pedicab industry was absolutely destroyed. Read more here.

THE SKI SEASON IS OFFICIALLY EXTENDED And I'm sure there are many folks who are thrilled to be able to make some more money this year. This week's impending storm is expected to dump some serious snow on the mountains.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE WORD OFFENDED FOR A MOMENT? The Governor says he's "offended and disappointed" by the huge party at CU-Boulder this weekend. I get being mad, disappointed, angry, frustrated, but offended? We have got to stop using that word as if it has magic powers or something. I don't give a rat's ass about his offense. He clearly wasn't offended by the thousands of people who marched in downtown Denver last year. So shut it.



PROVOCATEUR MILO IS NOW AN EX-GAY CATHOLIC And my take on this is simple. I hope he finds happiness in his endeavors. I hope he isn't doing this because his last venture has petered out. I hope he's not using the Catholic church for grift. That's it.

JOE BIDEN IS JUST TOO DANG COMPETENT TO MOCK Or so we're being told by media outlets trying to cover for what's left of the comedy world. We all watched as SNL declared Obama just too brilliant to mock, and now they've extended the same courtesy to his former VP. Christian Toto writes about it brilliantly here.

DISNEY + LIMITS ACCESS TO DUMBO AND PETER PAN BECAUSE OF THEIR RACIST CONTENT And you can still get them, but they are not available in the Kid's section, only the Adult's section and they come with a disclaimer to let you know where to be offended. Read more here.

LONELY? GO CUDDLE A COW And I can't make stuff like this up. Read more here.

ENDORSING AN ANTI-ANTIFA BOOK HAS COST A MUMFORD AND SONS MEMBER HIS JOB And the book is by journalist Andy Ngo, who has been in the middle of a bunch of antifa "protests" and has been reporting endlessly on this destructive movement. Winston Marshall tweeted out congratulations to Andy Ngo on his book and immediately the hippie band was called fascists. Now Marshall is taking some time off from the band for re education camp or something.

FINALLY SOME ACTION ON ENDING THE SCOURGE THAT IS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Or more specifically, ending the time change that follows it back to Standard time. A new Federal bill would allow states to simply STAY on DST all year long. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY LET THIS PASS. Then I personally will begin the full court press to get Colorado to do the same. FULL COURT PRESS.

YOUR NORMAL SHAMPOO IS NOW A PROBLEM And Unilever, a company that owns a bunch of health and beauty products, is now removing the word "normal" from it's soaps and shampoos because they polled a bunch of people who look to their shampoo bottles for some sort of personal affirmation.

PARISIANS TRY TO PRONOUNCE DUMB ENGLISH WORDS And we may laugh but we certainly wouldn't do as well with French words.

BELIEVE ALL WOMEN IS IGNORE ALL WOMEN WHEN SCUMBAG CUOMO IS INVOLVED The news media completely IGNORED the story of a SIXTH woman to come out and accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of gross behavior, this time in the Executive Mansion. The story was broken yesterday by an Albany paper and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC all IGNORED the story entirely. Just pretended it didn't happen. Remember when they all ignored the claims of the crazy woman who completely fabricated being attacked by Brett Kavanaugh? No? It's because they all gave her an interview. This is just sickening.

WE SEEM TO HAVE A VERY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR COVID NOW And it's a drug combo by Eli Lilly. It reduces death by 87%. Sounds good, let's get back to normal.

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